As I climbed this mountain, I couldn’t help but think how lucky I am to be a woman born in America. That I could wear what I want, help who I want, love who I want, and even raise my children how I want. I can speak any language I want. I can practice any religion that I want. I can do whatever I want in my life. I’m so thankful for that. What I also recognize is that this is all by luck. I didn’t chose this. I’m not better than anyone who doesn’t have this. No one chooses where they are born. No one chooses the parents or guardians that nurture them in their young stages. I will never take any of this for granted. And one promise to myself, is that I will never hold myself as better. I’m one woman on this planet among many. Many that all deserve to do exactly what they want. We should all be the designers of what our lives look like. What our happiness looks like. Another promise is to always use my voice to defend your freedom to do that. For you to define what this looks like for you. It may be totally different than what this looks like for me and I’m proud of you for that. Are you living your life as you want?